the L word: Generation Q, a review
Raj Kaur, writer and editor of Reviews by Sarbat.
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The L Word: Generation Q is the long-awaited sequel to The L Word series which aired from 2004 to 2009. The L Word enjoyed 6 successful seasons and was often commented to be ahead of its time; it was one of the first (Will and Grace is the only other to come to mind) American drama to have a cast that represented the LGBTQ community on the main screen. The original show follows a group of lesbian friends and the ups and downs they face in their lives, providing comedic value whilst touching on real struggles that a lot of us in this community can relate to. However, it was not without its critics.
The show is incredibly important for bringing lesbianism and transgenders into mainstream television.
Raj Kaur, writer and editor of Reviews by Sarbat
A lot has changed in the fight for LGBTQ rights in the last 10 years, most notably the legalising of gay marriage in some countries and states, decriminalisation of homosexuality in others. It is no doubt that a show like The L Word would be better received in the world we live in now. Enter The L Word: Generation Q. Whilst some of the favourite cast members from the previous show have been kept on, there are a lot of fresh faces breathing new life into the show. It’s full of a younger generation and is a lot more fun, contemporary and most importantly, pride. The new series has received a fantastic response and has already been renewed for another season (yay)! The show is incredibly important for bringing lesbianism and transgenders into mainstream television. If you’re looking for a fun, soapy, drama-filled TV show then I would definitely recommend this! I personally found the original show, and the rebooted one, incredibly important in the journey to accepting myself and being proud to be a part of the LGBTQ community.
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