Supporting Black Lives and Being Effective Allies – A statement
First published on 15 Nov 2020.
Sat Sri Akal
Against the backdrop of a pandemic, Black Lives Matter became a global rallying cry sparked by systemic and structural racism and violence against all black people.
Sarbat recognises:
the personal, structural and systemic racism, in particular colourism that exists within our communities;
the inequities that stem from colonial legacies;
Throughout Sikh history, Sikh Gurus and Sikh ancestors have championed human rights, equality and fought for egalitarian societies for all. Recognising the Divine in all, we follow these traditions to stand in unity and solidarity for the rights of all black lives.
Sarbat calls on
The Sikh Panth to:
Educate ourselves of the sources of our biases racism, colorism and casteism
Unlearn internalized racism and align ourselves with Gurmat values of equality
Use and add their voice to;
speak out against racism and colourism,
demand social justice and;
equality within their communities
Actively participate in the initiatives of Sikh organizations who are focused mainly on anti-discriminatory work
Sikh Leaders to:
Champion and promote anti-racism through their platforms
Advocate for the review of policing on in marginalized communities
Create inclusive places of workshops through:
Providing translations of scriptures, sign posts, etc in local languages
Creating welcome committees
Develop and providing anti-racism learning programmes to the sangat in Panjabi and local languages
Support black owned business when procuring good and services
Support community based action through the provision of langar